What Is Clearing?

So, what is Clearing? Well, Clearing is the solution. So we need to first ask, what is the problem?

The problem is this. You have your conscious mind. What does conscious mean? It means you’re aware. Then you have subconscious. What does subconscious mean? Sub means under. Subterranean. Under the ground. Submarine. Under the sea. Subconscious means under your awareness level. Under your awareness. Under your consciousness. Below. It’s the unseen.

So down in the subconscious there are negative ideas like: I’m no good, I’m worthless, Life is hard, I’m stupid, I’m a failure, I’ll never win, Money is the root of all evil, People are bad, You can’t trust women... there are thousands of ideas like that in the subconscious.

In the conscious mind there are ideas like: I’m a good person, Life is great, I deserve love, I deserve happiness, I’m healthy... all these positive statements you could say that are essentially affirmations. So that’s great. What happens when you have 10% of your mind affirming good things and positive things, and 90% of your mind convinced that the bad ideas, the bad thoughts, are absolutely FACT? You have a battle that you can’t win.

And Clearing isn’t about changing negative ideas into positive ones. It’s not about supplanting positive ideas and putting them into the subconscious, it’s not about pasting over negative ideas so that all you see is the positive ones. Clearing CLEARS OUT the negative ideas. It removes them. It’s like delete. It’s like hitting the delete key, and what you have is an integrity, or a wholeness. The war between you and you is gone. Instead of having this conflict with positive ideas fighting with negative ones, there is NO CONFLICT. Your subconscious mind and your conscious mind are on the same page. And that’s POWER.

So, the one glitch about this is that it’s very difficult to clear yourself. It’s difficult to get into the subconscious mind and clear it on your own. It’s too bad that’s the case; otherwise we’d have a lot more clear people walking around! But the mind is set so that you can’t get in there, as a rule, you can’t get in there by yourself. You’re outnumbered.

So that brings us to this other Clearing idea, which is that the Clearing Practitioner, a trained person, plus the client, the person wanting to be cleared, that combination, that team, is greater than the subconscious. With that kind of team, that kind of dynamic, you can get into the subconscious and clear it, actually very easily.

So that’s what Clearing is. It’s simple, it’s direct, it’s systematic. It WORKS.

© July 20, 2017 Jayne Johnson & The Clearing Sight Inc


Understanding Clearing