Understanding Clearing

"Your Context Determines Your Content"

-Robert Kiyosaki, author of #1 bestseller, Rich Dad, Poor Dad

A context is simply a viewpoint, an opinion, a way of looking at something or someone. In the process of living, contexts are created that sometimes set up unworkable conditions. Examples: Money is hard to come by, Life is one problem after the next, People can't be trusted, Men are too logical, Women are too emotional. These contexts are comparable to being on automatic pilot or cruise control - the program or context is set in the Subconscious Mind, and the content follows automatically.

One purpose of Clearing is to neutralize all traumatic experiences from your past that may be creating and maintaining contexts that are either limiting or do not work at all. Clearing also expands the workable contexts you already have, allowing you to successfully apply proven information, learn new information, and access your innate knowledge and wisdom.

Have you ever tried to change a behavior pattern or break a habit by saying affirmations or giving yourself a pep talk? Despite your commitment and good intentions, did you fall short in making the changes you wanted? This happens often, and the main cause is contexts that have already been programmed into the Subconscious Mind. Those programs can't easily be overruled or outvoted, and until cleared, they continue their hold on you and when triggered, can literally RUN your life. But Clearing eliminates these internal battles and conflicts, once and for all.

Another aspect of Clearing focuses on people in your life (past or present) who might be troubling you in some way. Simple Clearing processes help you see what was hidden from your view; as a result, contexts shift and expand, and relationships are healed.

Clearing facilitates your achieving these two major outcomes:

  1. Deletion of False Ideas Lodged in Your Subconscious Mind

  2. Expansion of Your Context, Without Limits

In accomplishing both those purposes, you are free to create the life you want, simply, easily and effectively.

© 2003-2017 Jayne Johnson & The Clearing Sight Inc


What Is Clearing?


The Three Types of Goals