Life Force Particles – How to Raise Your Level of Acceptance


My last e-Newsletter article (“How To Create & Maintain An Upward Spiral Of Motion“) was on the subject of Life-Force Particles and simple, practical ways to increase your quantity of them. Life-force particles affect the power you have in every area of life; hence, they are part of raising one’s level of acceptance.

Life-force particles are bits of energy that, in a sense, are bits of you. It’s your energy. Life-force particles are the fuel, the energy, you use to make things happen, to create exactly what you want in your life. The amount of success you have in life is correlative to the amount of life-force particles you have at your disposal at any given time.

In his audio tape entitled *Magnetize Your Mind for Money*, Reverend Ike refers to the level of acceptance and says, “just as much as you can accept, you can and will have.” He defines the “riches of life” as “health, happiness, love, success, prosperity and money.” Your level of acceptance is the degree to which you are willing, or unwilling, to receive, welcome, embrace, have, or own the riches of life.


Before examining your acceptance level, first establish the context from which you will inspect it. The optimum context is that there is no “right” or “wrong,” or “good” or “bad.” If you come from a context of judging what you discover as “good” or “bad,” you are setting yourself up to possibly be upset with your acceptance level, your life, and most damaging, upset with yourself. So, first establish the context of, “it is what it is,” which is the most objective, impartial context.

One way to measure your level of acceptance is to observe what you currently have in your life. Consider not only the “what” or the quantity, but the quality, as well. If a person has 4 broken-down, junky cars sitting in his front yard, you could say his acceptance level on cars is just that – he is willing to have 4 cars, more than most people have; however, he is not willing to have 4 beautiful cars that are operational.

You have probably heard someone you know say words to this effect: “Oh, I’m willing to have lots of money” or “I’m willing to have a happy marriage.” But when you observe them with an objective eye, it’s clear to you that these are just empty words. They are claiming to have a certain level of acceptance while what they actually have in their lives reveals a far lower level of acceptance.

Consider everything in your life, not just the material things. Truth, love, relationships, friendships, success, etc. Also consider your goals. Many people have a goal to simply survive, to get by in life; others have a goal to prosper and help others to prosper, and there is a wide range in between these two. Each increment could be seen as a level of acceptance. It’s not just a matter of what you already have accepted; it is also what you aspire to accept and receive.

Whatever you are willing to accept and receive, you will draw to you. What you now have, and what you aspire to have, are purely a function of what you have permitted yourself to have, or what you are willing to permit yourself to have in the future.


The amount of Life-force particles you have available is the bottom line, but what specifically determines your level of acceptance? The answer is simple – it’s your level of self-esteem. Do you like yourself? Do you love yourself? That is the key because you will let yourself receive the riches of life in direct ratio to how much you think you deserve them!

Guilt, which ties up huge amounts of Life-force particles in a negative form, is the usual culprit behind low self-esteem and therefore, a low level of acceptance. If you have done things you feel guilty about, whether done intentionally or unintentionally, and you have not cleared them up or cleaned them up, it’s likely that you will feel guilt.

So, a very successful way to raise your level of acceptance is to clear up your “misdeeds.” The prefix “mis” means bad or wrong. A misdeed, then, is something you’ve done that you consider to be bad or wrong. If you have kept these things secret, not telling a soul about them, that compounds the guilt even further.

Note: the idea of bad or wrong seemingly contradicts the idea of establishing a neutral context from which to view one’s level of acceptance. Notice that the sentence above says that a misdeed is something you’ve done that you CONSIDER to be bad or wrong. The verb used is “consider,” not the verb “is.” Additionally, misdeeds are the content, not the context, and as such, contain judgments such as right or wrong, or good or bad. You are looking/inspecting for the sole purpose of assessing any misdeeds and seeing how they might be robbing you of Life-force particles; you are not looking/inspecting for the purpose of making yourself wrong. Ideally, your position is outside the content, where you can view it objectively. In other words, you view the content, which contains judgment, from the viewpoint of the context, which contains no judgment but does contain the power to objectively observe.


One misdeed can often lead to an endless loop that looks something like this:

Commit a misdeed or harmful act (intentionally or unintentionally)↓

Keep it to oneself for fear of retribution of some kind↓

Self-esteem is lower and one feels guilty↓

“Solution” = find something wrong with the person against whom the misdeed was committed in an attempt to justify one’s misdeed, alleviate one’s guilt and feel better about oneself by feeling superior to the recipient of one’s misdeed ↓

“Solution” = commit another misdeed in order to prove that one was right (justified) in committing the first misdeed** ↓

Self-esteem is even lower and one feels more guilty ↓

“Solution” = find something wrong with the person against whom the misdeeds were committed in an attempt to justify one’s misdeeds, alleviate one’s guilt and feel better about oneself by feeling superior to the recipient of one’s misdeeds ↓

“Solution” = commit another misdeed in order to prove that one was right in committing the earlier misdeeds↓

Self-esteem is even lower and one feels guilty.... and so on, endlessly looping around this cycle, with self-esteem dropping and dropping, and the guilt becoming greater and greater until finally, in an attempt to stop the madness, one diminishes one’s power.

The rationale in this idea is that, if you make yourself small and powerless, it solves the whole problem. You are now contracted into a little ball and are so teeny-tiny that you are incapable of hurting anyone; that is, you are incapable of committing misdeeds because you are incapable of doing anything. Not only does this “solution” not work, but it is worse than that because, in fact, it is a misdeed against oneself

to minimize one’s power, as well as against the person or people one has attacked, criticized, etc.


The way out of the Misdeed Loop is to first take a look and see if you are unknowingly (or knowingly) committing misdeeds against self and other people, and if you find anything of that nature, correct it. Consider the idea that, for every misdeed against self or others, there is possibly an “endless” Misdeed Loop connected with it. Do you know people who have continual upsets with each other? Do you know anyone who has been feuding with another person or people for years? Consider the warring that has been going on for so long in the Middle East or Ireland. From the fiction section, how about Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, where families were endlessly feuding with each other? Each “side” blames the other, neither takes responsibility for any of it, and the loop continues. It truly IS a tragedy.

In my Goals Workshop, I offer the “20 Keys to Goal Attainment,” one of which is, “Be legal, ethical and moral.” The way out of the Misdeed Loop is to consciously choose to do your very best to be legal, ethical and moral at all times and in all circumstances. In short, operate from the context of Integrity. Being legal, ethical and moral is a tremendous source of Life-force particles and a key way to raise one’s level of acceptance. Why? Because when you are legal, ethical and moral, you like yourself. It is, again, a direct ratio – the more you are legal, ethical and moral, the more you like yourself, and therefore, the more you will permit yourself to accept the riches of life.


The next step is to ascertain if there are past misdeeds that need to be handled so that your conscience is clear. The word “conscience” comes from the Latin scire, to know. To know is to be clear. Past misdeeds against either oneself and others can be handled by acknowledging them, and again, notice that the word

“know” is within the word “acknowledging.” Know what the misdeeds are, learn the lessons from them, and make the appropriate corrections. The correction may entail apologizing and/or making amends. As with everything else, that is your decision. In any case, with past misdeeds cleaned up, they will just naturally drop from your attention. You let them go without even thinking about it, and the guilt is gone. Countless times I have witnessed a person clean up a past misdeed and shortly thereafter receive a call or an email from the person against whom the misdeed was committed.

This call or email inevitably has the nature of an apology, a desire to abolish the disharmony, and to re-connect and re-establish the harmony that was once between them. This phenomenon is no accident. When a person handles their own guilt, it creates space for other people to reach back into their lives and communicate with them. Eliminating guilt releases negative Life-force particles and converts them to positive. This leads to a higher level of acceptance. It is win/win, in the truest sense.


All of the above information also applies to misdeeds that other people have committed against you. Those people are suffering. Do you allow people to commit misdeeds against you? Do you become “reasonable” and excuse their misdeeds because “they had a bad childhood,” “they didn’t really mean it,” or “they don’t know any better” ?

Any time you allow another person to commit a misdeed against you, and you don’t hold them accountable, you are inadvertently supporting them in feeling guilty, committing more misdeeds, and in general, getting caught in the Misdeed Loop. As tough as it might be at times, the KIND thing to do is not permit it, and to speak up about it. Many people don’t speak up until they have reached the boiling point. They have allowed a whole stack of misdeeds against them to build up until finally, they explode in rage. This approach simply does not work. The explosion of anger is now a misdeed in itself, and now a Misdeed Loop has begun.


The Misdeed Loop is a game. Two or more people can play. It has rules, and it has a cost. Everyone playing has to ante-up Life-force particles in order to play. From there, it’s gambling for the “pot” of Life-force particles in the middle of the table. And who wins? No one.

Without awareness, every player thinks he or she is right. No player is taking responsibility. If this is not your game, don’t play. Whether you have committed a misdeed, or someone has committed one against you, if you want more Life-force particles, a happier life, and a high level of acceptance, choose that which makes the highest contribution to the most number of people. That is your “best bet.”

© Jayne Johnson & The Clearing Sight Inc, 2002


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