Be Aware of Life Force Energy Thieves!
Certain People, Environments, and Circumstances Can Quickly Rob You of Your Life Force Energy....
Items on your TO-DO LIST that you keep thinking about but haven't taken the steps necessary to get them done.
Violating your core beliefs, values, principles, and/or Code of Honor.
Toxic people & negative environments.
Forcing yourself to do something you don't want to do & feeling resentful, instead of taking responsibility for your choice.
Not acknowledging your wins, achievements, etc.
Taking on baggage & negativity that belongs to someone else, instead of recognizing it's NOT yours.
Staying in a relationship, game, job, career, environment, etc., beyond its completion point.
Lack of appropriate compensation or exchange for work, service, or product you've provided.
Feeling resentful, regardless of the reason, and not taking action to correct the situation.
Lack of integrity regarding the ways you fuel your body (e.g., insufficient sleep, low-quality food, using sugar & caffeine for energy, etc.).
Don't Let These Energy Thieves Diminish Your Life Force Energy!
© Jayne Johnson & The Clearing Sight
September 18, 2017