20 Reasons Why Stats Go Down

  1. Engaging in unethical behavior of any kind, to any degree, for any reason, in any area of your life.

  2. There are 1 or more toxic people involved in the project, business, etc.

  3. There are 1 or more toxic people anywhere in your life.

  4. Betrayal or sabotage by a partner or team member.

  5. Abandoning a proven, winning formula or strategy for some other new, unproven formula or strategy.

  6. Failing to feel & express gratitude & appreciation daily.

  7. Lack of business acumen, inexperience in the subject, area, etc.

  8. Lack of financial education; Financial illiteracy.

  9. Failing to acknowledge & reward stellar personnel, team members, etc.

  10. Failing to celebrate wins & achievements, goals & targets reached, etc.

  11. Winning the game but failing to recognize, acknowledge & celebrate that you won, that game is over & it's time to start a new, bigger game.

  12. Lack of systems; or people permitted to get sloppy with the established systems.

  13. Allowing ego & arrogance to supplant sound judgment.

  14. Not calling it when you observe an error, a harmful act, disloyalty, etc.

  15. Lack of a Code of Honor; or Code of Honor not being enforced.

  16. Failing to keep up with the latest technologies, trends, marketing strategies, et al.

  17. Failure to notice signs of trouble when they are subtle, small, & easily remedied, corrected or repaired.

  18. Failure to monitor statistics regularly; or failure to keep statistics at all.

  19. Changes in the current local, national and/or global economy, or other conditions, going unnoticed, so adjustments are not made.

  20. Pretending & hoping everything is running smoothly rather than vigilant monitoring of all parts of the project, business, or organization.

Use these 20 Keys to Maintain An Upward Spiral of Success!

© Jayne Johnson & The Clearing Sight Inc August 12, 2017


A Key to Goal Attainment


5 Vital Keys for Moving Forward with Your Success!